Discovering the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund: A Family Fun Event Experience

Last week, Riley and I attended a Family Fun Event on the Nationwide Children’s Hospital campus hosted by the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF).

If you’re not familiar, as I wasn’t initially, the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF) is part of the newly created Ohio Department of Children and Youth and serves as the state’s chapter for Prevent Child Abuse America. Through its eight regional prevention councils, OCTF funds various parent programs and services designed to help parents develop or improve their skills to navigate the challenges of parenting and the stressors of life.

The event, which introduced me to OCTF, was incredibly enjoyable. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Ohio and several local family-focused programs were present, along with food trucks, face painting, snow cones, inflatables, and a fantastic playground.

One of the highlights was the abundance of community resources available for parents. Each table offered ideas, support, and recommendations to help parents raise happy, confident, and resilient children.

I was thrilled to see some of my favorites like Help Me Grow, an incredible resource we used when the girls came home from the NICU.

The Help Me Grow Home Visits ensured the girls were on the right path, being born at 33 weeks, and gave me confidence as a new parent. They were so kind, generous, and encouraging. It was a FREE resource, too. I wouldn’t have known about them without the social workers. That’s my hope in partnering with Ohio Children’s Trust Fund—to ensure all parents know about the available resources.

In many of these free programs and services, parents can find support and understanding from other parents or caregivers, as well as information on additional resources in their community.

A few of the other organizations that were there included:
  • Urban Family Development Center : Committed to providing tools and strategies to empower families in urban communities to overcome poverty.
  • Moms2B: A central Ohio prevention program for expectant moms at high risk for infant mortality or the death of a living baby before their first birthday.
  • The Center for Family Safety and Healing : Working to end family violence and create safe and thriving communities.
  • The Maternal Infant Wellness Program : An organized community effort to eliminate health disparities, improve birth outcomes, and enhance the health status of women, infants, and children in Ohio.
  • On our Sleeves: An incredible organization reshaping how we view mental health, ensuring it is a vital part of growing up. They focus on children’s mental health as equally important as their physical health, teaching grown-ups the skills to help kids face and manage life’s challenges through free resources.

Parenting is hard, and if there are resources available to build that village, we should know about them!

When I got home from the event, I went straight to the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund website. They offer a wealth of information, including classes, articles, and events for parents to help reduce stress and strengthen family bonds. It’s definitely worth checking out. If you missed this event and are interested in attending the next one, there are more happening around the state, with a nearby one in Lithopolis, Ohio.

I know it can be hard, but I encourage you as a parent, caregiver, or an adult in a child’s life to explore these valuable resources. Whether you’re seeking support, looking to connect with other parents, or simply wanting to learn more, these organizations offer tremendous help. Check out the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund website for more information and to find events near you.