Things people say when you have triplets…

As you can imagine (or maybe you can’t), taking the girls out usually feels like I am a part of a circus act. Not because it’s difficult or chaotic taking all three out, but because we are constantly bombarded with questions (and looks). When we walk into a store, it feels like we’re the main act, finally making our way to center stage. All eyes on us. The pressure not to drop the plates spinning on my forehead while balancing on the unicycle with a deflated tire.

The other day, I walked into Kroger and by the time I got to the fruit section (ya know at the front of the store), I had already been stopped three times. A trip to Target? Add on at least 45 extra minutes for the multiple conversations. (Not that I am complaining because don’t we all want to spend 45 extra minutes in Target??) One time a girl followed me through the store, trying hard to make subtle eye contact. I kept looking away because I was in a bit of a rush. Finally, I gave in and her eyes lit up and she didn’t stop talking for 15 minutes…..

You might be thinking it’s the older Grandmother generation who mostly stops me to tell me she wants to kiss their little cheeks. Nope! It is everyone – all ages, races, genders, etc. Everyone is just blown away by them. While intrusive (and sort of annoying repeating my 30 second triplet elevator speech over and over again) at times, it doesn’t really bother me (that much). Not that it’s their job, but the fact that someone can be walking down the street – headphones in, face in cellphone – and completely stop in the tracks, take their headphones off, put there cell phone away and truly engage in a conversation. Well, that is something magical. There isn’t a person that walks away from us without a smile – so, for that, I welcome the questions and the conversations. Who knows. At one point, those conversations could lead to something bigger.

One of my triplet moms and I went with our families to a wine festival. She snapped this picture on our way out. This is typically what it looks like when we are out and about! Yes, I still drink wine while breastfeeding.

Disclaimer: I will more than likely re-visit this conversation when I have three toddlers screaming and running in one million directions. At that point, you may be watching me and thinking, “Yeah, she lives in a circus and we better not approach too closely. Who knows what will happen? We might get bit…” When that time comes, I welcome all Starbucks with minimal conversation to be handed to me while grocery shopping.

Okay, now to good stuff. The stuff people are always asking me….Here are a few examples of what was said to me last month…..Heck, maybe even just last week….Some good…Some sweet…Some funny…Some wildy inappropriate…..

I’m glad its you and not me.

I would kill myself. Do you want to kill yourself?

Do triplets run in your family?

You are so blessed. God has you.

Did you do IVF?

Did you know your were having triplets?

You have triplets? You poor thing.

Did those babies come out of you? They’re not adopted? You carried them?

How big did you get? I bet you were huge while pregnant?

I bet you have so much help.

It is probably so much easier to have them all at once, doing the same things all the time. I had three kids under 5 and it was so much harder than you have it.

Are they natural?

Did you have them in a bottle?

Did you want to commit suicide when you found out?

Two boys and a girl?

Two girls and a boy?

Are those triplets?

Do they have the same personality?

You stay home, right? There is not way you could work.

Can I have one?

You obviously formula feed? No way you can breastfeed? (Spoiler alert: I do)

Do they cry at the same time? Do they poop at the same time?

You’re done having kids, right?

You should take them down to Jc Penny and make you some money. (Referring to them being in their ads)

At least you got it all over at once.

They’re so beautiful. You can get chopped for them (while mimicking a knife cutting her throat…)

Triplets? Are they all yours?

When was the little one born?

You have your hands full!

Do you do a lot of sit-ups?

Oh, they’re triplets? Are they the same age?

Can I take a picture of them? I want to show my friends (sister, mom, neighbor, local club)

Good luck, you’re going to need it. My kids are two years a part and it’s basically the same thing.

No boys? You probably want to try again so your husband has a boy.

You had it so easy. Three at once and you didn’t have to go 40 weeks! Lucky! (Yes, carrying three babies to 33 weeks and watching them hooked up to machines in the NICU just to be able to breathe was very easy. I recommend that to all moms…..)

Did you try to have a natural birth before deciding on a c-section?

Well, I don’t know why you didn’t try natural. I mean a cat and dog can carry 8 babies at once and delivery them naturally…..

What nationality are they?

Well that one is a lot bigger than them. Is she a boy?

Do you have three of everything?

Do you always dress them alike?

How do you tell them apart?

Are you going to get their ears pierced?

How are you going to afford their wedding? College?

Do you have a huge house?

Can I bring my daughter (sister, mom, neighbor) over to your house to meet them?

Tired reading that? Welcome to my trip to the grocery store! Questions. Conversation. Loud comments. Whispers. Stares from everyone walking by. Just a few things added to my shopping list.

The girls invite a lot of curiosity and often inappropriate questioning, but I welcome it because I am obsessed with these babes and truly think they’re going to do amazing things in this world! Plus, like I said, maybe these conversations can turn into something bigger and better. But, in the instance where I am blatantly avoiding eye contact – just let me live. Ha. Not trying to be rude, just trying to get home with my organic tomatoes and cookie dough.