Beech-Nut® Naturals is baby food made with real ingredients that our girls love

One of the things I was most excited about, yet most terrified about these last few months was starting the girls on solid foods! There were so many aspects to adding in solid foods. With breastfeeding, I felt pretty in control with what they girls were eating. Even with their formula, I knew consistently what they were getting. However, starting solids, that was a whole new ball park. Have you ever read the ingredients in jar food? Or looked more into the company you were purchasing from? It can be very scary.

That is why I was thrilled to find Beech-Nut® Naturals. They offer natural and organic products that are free from artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. Taking it one step further, Beech-Nut® conducts over 20 rigorous tests on their purees, testing for up to 255 pesticides and heavy metals (like lead, cadmium, arsenic and other nasty stuff). If it doesn’t pass, it’s not good enough and they change up what they’re doing right away.

As moms, we only want they best for our kids. It makes me feel very comfortable knowing that Beech-Nut® Naturals is made with real ingredients (ya know, natural fruits and veggies – never anything artificial), gently cooked over indirect heat to preserve color, flavor, and nutrients.

There are so many different options when you visit the grocery store. We have probably tried all of them and just like you and I, the girls are picky about what they like! Here are a few of their favorites:

Beech-Nut® Naturals Just Pear & Blueberry
Beech-Nut® Naturals Just Apple & Kale
Beech-Nut® Naturals Just Carrot, Corn & Pumpkin
Beech-Nut® Organics Just Apple, Raspberry & Avocado
Beech-Nut® Organics Just Pumpkin
Beech-Nut® Organics Pear, Kale & Cucumber

You can’t miss them at the store. They are in a glass (no plastic) honeypot shaped container with a green top. It is just the cutest. I have been saving them for art projects when the girls are older.

These are two must haves at all times!

We introduced the girls to Beech-Nut® Naturals around 7 months. You can introduce earlier (not a doctor, just stating what I’ve read and in conversations with other parents/pediatrician), but seeing as the girls were almost 8 weeks earlier – we are cautious about a lot and start things a bit later (hence why it is very important to have such a great quality product for them). We typically do a fruit for breakfast and veggie later in the day. They girls very excited when they see the jar. They know yummy goodness is on it’s way.

She knew this was one of her favorites! She was ready for me to let her eat and stop taking pictures. I can’t blame her. Both Stephen and I have tried the one and it is delicious. It is the texture of applesauce with a nice pumpkin flavor. Perfect for fall!
“I guess I will just eat my hands while Mom takes more pictures!” – Emerson

“Finally, it’s within reach. Now, if only I could figure out how to open this thing!” – Emerson

These girls were very happy getting their favorite apple and pumpkin right from the jar for breakfast! However, as they get older, I’ve been trying to find different ways to use the Beech-Nut® jars. Here are a few ideas…..

  • Frozen baby dots, similar in size to the yogurt bites (or chocolate chips) you buy at the store, are a great snack option. To make this, I put the puree into a plastic bag, cut the tip and make small circles on wax paper. Next, I put them in the freezer. Once they’re frozen, you can transfer to a container.
  • Similar to frozen baby dots, I will pour the Beech-Nut® Naturals into a popsicle mold. These feel great on teething gums and are a huge hit in our household!
  • Adding Beech-Nut® Naturals to pasta sauce is a great way to sneak in veggies.
  • When making muffins, I will use Beech-Nut® Naturals to add in different flavors. Pumpkin and banana are our favorite.

No matter how you’re using Beech-Nut® Naturals, you’re going to feel confident knowing your babies are getting real food – purees made with natural fruits & veggies, never anything artificial!

You can explore their whole range of natural & organic foods here.