Anyone have toddlers who just want to eat the crayons every time you try to color? I’m raising my hand just in case you were wondering. I’m not sure what it is about crayons, but they go directly into their mouth. I am going with the fact that they are learning and taste is one way they can do that. Maybe has to do with the fact they’re teething too? Or maybe I just have kids that want to eat crayons. Ha! Either way, if they’re not eating them – they’re breaking them. This had me on the hunt to find the perfect toddler friendly crayons.
A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a brand that I hadn’t heard of, but was very intrigued. Honeysticks 100% Pure Beeswax Crayons are made in New Zealand and are handmade from 100% pure New Zealand beeswax. They containย no paraffin wax or cheap fillersย and they are one of the only (if not the only) crayon on the market that is made with 100% beeswax.
I was drawn to their shape/size. They were a different size that the typical Crayola crayon I am used to seeing. They were short and chubby, even noting that they were great for ages 12+ months.. Oh, and they had FABULOUS reviews. When I went to order them, I instantly stopped. They were over $20 for CRAYONS!? I might spend a little too much on frivolous things, but there was no away I was paying $20 for my kids to eat fancy crayons.

Fast forward a few weeks later and I receive an Amazon gift card for the holidays. There wasn’t anything I really needed, so I went back to the $20 crayons and clicked “buy now.” Never thought I would see the day, but less than 24 hours later, my white van driving amazon delivery guy showed up with my package of beeswax crayons.
Anxious to see if they were worth it (or if I would be driving over to Kohl’s Amazon return spot to get my money back), I ripped opened the package, tapped some paper down and let the girls have their freedom with them.

Here is a little snapshot into our experience with Honeysticks. Oh, and excuse the low quality – – these were taken with a broken phone before my fancy upgrade to iPhone11!
If you could see our previous attempts with coloring, you would agree with me on how successful this coloring session (is that a thing?) was! The girls actually colored, well doted, held them in a more typical fashion, lasted longer than 2 minutes and didn’t break any! All a big win in my book.
What I love About them
๐ Honeysticks beeswax crayons are handmade using 100% pure New Zealand beeswax and Food Grade Pigments for Color. They are safe for infants, kids and children of all ages. Contains no paraffin wax or cheap fillers. Plus, being made of beeswax, they have quite a delicious scent.
โญ๏ธThe unique chubby shape makes them easier for small hands to hold, but at the same time, much more difficult for small hands to break!
๐ The beeswax used to create Honeysticks is a natural by-product of honey production. This sustainable process causes minimal impact on the environment and gives the crayons a wonderful honey scent.
โญ๏ธIf you’re not 100% happy, they have a no questions asked full refund. No risk, no fuss
At first I thought the price was too high, but now, after using them, I would say theyโre totally worth it. Plus, theyโre not filled with toxins – so, that’s a major bonus!
If you’re kiddos are a bit older or maybe they don’t eat crayons like my kids – – they have other options, skinnier and cheaper.
They also offer an option for the bath, which is amazing!
As I’ve mentioned many times now, I truly think these crayons are wroth the price! They are safe, don’t break and are the perfect size for little hands!

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