This might be an unpopular opinion right now, especially with how close we are to Spring – but, I am LOVING the snow and cold temperatures. It is refreshing, fun for the girls to explore, and it tires them out, making bedtime much easier! With that being said, I won’t miss spending twenty minutes getting three toddlers all bundled up to go outside.
The girls love to run around the yard, make snowballs and slide down the stairs, but I’ve noticed we can spend a bit more time outside if I have a few activities set-up. Thanks to Pinterest, I’ve been able to put together a few that are pretty easy and add loads of fun. Our favorite actiity, which has lasted for a few days because of how cold it’s been, is our Ice Bricks. They are VERY easy to make, and the list of ingredients is small, they’re are many different things you can do with them.

What you need
- Containers
- (20) 8”x6”x2”Aluminum Pans – Amazon
- (25) Pack – 8โ x 8โ] Square Baking Cake Pans – Amazon
- (50) Aluminum Pans for Bread Loaf Baking – Amazon, these are the ones that we used and they worked GREAT
- Food Coloring
- This was hard to find in-stores! I eventually bought it on Amazon (12-Pack), but when I was first making the bricks, I only had two colors. I used those and then improvised! We had jello, which made more of a lighter shade, but I think the girls like the taste of them (see pictures above). The jello made them smell good, too! I poured the powder into a pitcher and added hot water. I also used a few of our liquid watercolors. Last, I grabbed the liquid popsicles from the Dollar Tree the weren’t frozen and added those to the water. There are so many ways to color the water. If you don’t have any of these things, look around your house, and I am sure you can find something!
- Water
How to make the ice bricks
- Mix water with food coloring/jello/popsicles
- Pour into your containers
- Freeze
- Build
See how easy that was! They all popped out quickly with no trouble. We just stacked the ice bricks and eventually threw them around the yard, but you could build an igloo or a fort, collect things like leaves, pine cones, sticks to freeze inside, paint with them, etc. There are so many possibilities!!
This is the reel that I made on Instagram. It shows all the steps!

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