Tip-Toe Through the Tulips: Our Amazing Day at Timbuku Farms’ Tulip Festival

Oh my tulips, we had the most incredible spring day at Timbuk Farms in Granville. Picture this – an 80 degree spring day, a sprawling tulip field with over 300,000 tulips, and a Christmas tree farm as the backdrop. Can you say best day ever?

The girls and I went to the First Annual Tulip Festival at Timbuk Farms and it was an absolute dream. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by thousands of tulips in every color of the rainbow, lining up in perfect rows. We loved wandering through the field, making sure not to accidentally trample any of the gorgeous blooms, taking in the beauty of the blooms, and keeping a lookout for all the photo ops. And the best part? We could actually pick the tulips for just $1 a stem! nAnd get this – they were way easier to pick than I thought they would be! Even the girls were able to get in on the fun and choose their own flowers to bring home.

But that’s not all, there were tons of fun activities for the kids to enjoy. From the bob sled hill to the huge jump pillow, there was something for everyone. And let’s not forget the tractors, trains and bus to climb on! We loved running around the fenced-in green space and soaking up the sunshine.

And as if that wasn’t enough, the garden center was an absolute oasis. I had to resist the urge to buy every plant and flower in sight. I can’t wait to get back and pick up some new additions to our back deck!

The festival admission was reasonable, with prices at $7 for ages 13 and up, $5 for ages 3-12, and free for kids under 3 years old. The festival runs until April 30th, rain or shine, so make sure to add it to your calendar.

It was seriously the perfect day spent with my favorite people.

Address: 2030 Timbuk Road, Granville, Ohio 43023
Make sure to check social media before visiting to see if their are any changes!