DIY Fun for Kids: Free In-Store Workshops at Home Depot

Are you looking for a fun and creative activity to do with your kids on the weekend? Look no further than Home Depot’s free in-store Kids Workshops! These workshops are held on the first Saturday of each month from 9 am โ€“ 12 pm and are designed to inspire the next generation of builders while growing their confidence and DIY skillset.

Our first workshop was an absolute blast! As soon as we stepped inside the store, we made our way to the back where they had tables set up with all the crafting supplies neatly arranged. We chose our spots and eagerly opened up the kit, which came with simple instructions to follow. After our flower box was built, we had the option to paint it there or take it home. We decided to paint it there and even asked for a box, which they happily provided since they had plenty of them being recycled. We spent about 35 minutes crafting and having a fantastic time. We enjoyed it so much that we’re already counting down the days until the next workshop!

The best part? These workshops won’t cost you a penny and the kids get to keep their craft and take home a certificate of achievement, a workshop apron, and a commemorative pin, all while supplies last. The workshops are specially designed for kids between the ages of 5-11, but younger and older children are also welcome with the supervision of a parent or guardian. At the event, I spotted a wide range of ages, from 2 to 15, all happily crafting away with their parents in tow.

So how do you sign up? It’s easy! Simply go to the Home Depot website and put in your zip code to find a store near you. Then, check the workshop listing a few weeks ahead of time to make sure you don’t miss out. It’s important to register ahead of time, as the store often runs out of kits before the session is over on Saturday morning.

And if you can’t make it to the in-person workshop, no worries! You can still pick up your free Kids Workshops Kit on the first Saturday of each month from your local store or even purchase one online (while supplies last).

Attending a Home Depot Kids Workshop is a great way to spend quality time with your family while also teaching your kids valuable DIY skills. So mark your calendar and don’t miss out on this fun and free activity!