White Elephant Gift Exchange Rules + 11 Gift Ideas from Big Lots

Does your family participate in a white elephant gift giving game? We have a decently big family and we’ve done it every year. I think it is the most fun, but it can get pretty crazy! Before I give you my gift ideas that I found at Big Lots, I think I have to give my biggest piece of advice when deciding to play this game is – – figure out the rules BEFORE you’re entire family gets together or Christmas. Things can get pretty confusing and a little heated (or is that just my family…?) if you try to figure out the rules after the game has started. There is no reason to make it complicated.

Here are the rules that I go by….

  1. Each player brings one gift. Set the price limit before. You can even set a theme if you want (funny, practical, tropical, winter, dollar store, etc…)
  2. Before the game starts, everyone draws a number from a hat, box, cup, bowl…The goal is to get the highest number. That means that you get to pick last!
  3. Sit in a way that everyone can see the gift pile.
  4. First player chooses their gift. Does NOT unwrap.
  5. The next players can choose to either pick a gift from the pile or steal a previous playerโ€™s gift. If your gift is stolen, you can choose a new gift or steal from someone else.
    • This is where it is important to have some strict rules. You need to know how many times you can steal, etc. I say a present can only be stolen ONCE per ROUND and after three steals, it’s time to pick from the pile. That could take forever if everyone just keeps going in a circle stealing during one round.
  6. Repeat these steps until everyone has a gift. Then, start with player #1 and have them open their gift.
  7. Once everyone opens their gift, you could add in the option that player #1 has the option to steal/trade someones gift. Or just leave it at “you get what ya get…game over!”

Now, for the next important step – the purchasing of the gift! There aren’t very many rules (unless you decide to do a theme) when it comes to picking out a gift. As long as your sticking to the budget set ahead of time, you’ll be good to go. I’ve seen practical gifts, funny gifts and creative gifts. Helps to know your audience or maybe buy something you want and try to steal it! Ha!

While shopping for holiday decorations at Big Lots, I noticed that they carry so many items that are perfect for this game. It was hard to narrow it down, but here are my top eleven picks for White Elephant gifts from Big Lots.

This is a safe choice and usually a crowd favorite. Everyone loves a nice, new, snuggly blanket. They have a ton of options.

I would personally go with the wildlife throw because its a bit comical.

Check out that price! You could buy more than one, maybe even three, depending on the price limit. Would also pair nicely with a DVD (they have a great, affordable section), popcorn and candy (they have $1 section).

Feeling like Oprah. A blanket for you. A blanket for you and a blanket for you!

I think a Nostalgia Retro Series Pop-Up Hot Dog & Bun Toaster and the Bella Cotton Candy Maker scream white elephant gift. They’re fun, creative and something you probably wouldn’t ever buy yourself! I can see these being the crowd favorites.

This would be a gift my husband would try to keep for himself.

I love a good practical gift and this is just that. A combination of kitchen gadgets you don’t always use, but when the time comes – it’s always a huge let down when you don’t have them. Love the price point on these items.

At the holidays, there are boxed sets everywhere you look. I think this one is a fun one! Not only can you use it on a day to day basis, you can actually turn it into a game itself. Maybe even after the white elephant game is over?

Hot Sauce Challenge

Check out their website for a ton more gift set ideas!

As soon as I saw this, I instantly started drooling. That is one sure way to tell that it is a great gift idea. How cute, too! I love that it is a two in one gift. You get a delicious cookie, but also a little cast iron skillet to use in the future.

Galerie Cookie Skillet Mix

Chocolate is a go-to gift when you don’t know what to get someone. Or maybe that is just me? I feel like 9/10 times, people are going to appreciate the gift of chocolate and what better than a Whitman’s 74 piece assortment!

Everyone needs a new coffee mug, especially one with an inspirational message and a double chocolate gourmet hot cocoa gift set inside.

Another great option when it comes to coffee mugs, is picking up a coffee mug kit that has a special treat inside. The scrumptious classic treat of peanut butter and chocolate is perfect, familiar and tasty to *almost* everyone!

Not just any socks, 12 days of socks. Who doesn’t need a new pair of socks and honestly, who doesn’t need 12 sloth-themed socks?

Big Lots has a great assortment of bath goodies, including one of my favorite brands, Dr.Teal’s – the ultimate relaxing products! You can pair your favorite products together, or pick up one of their holiday kits.

Big Lots has a great selection of candles. My go-to candles are the $5 living colors candles. They have a huge variety when it comes to scent. My suggestion is to pick up two that are completely different. That way, your recipient is bound to at least like one! Ha!

Last, but not least, you can always go with the classic holiday gift. These are the gifts that are created just for the holidays. They’re inexpensive, practical and come in holiday packaging. I received this coin counting bank a few years ago and still use it!

There you have it. The perfect holiday game with rules and gift ideas. If you take anything from this, take the tip of MAKE THE RULES BEFORE!! I promise you’ll thank me later.

Happy Holidays!