
The Columbus Zoo has 10,000 animals located in six distinct regions. No wonder we see something new and exciting each time we are there. How lucky are we to have such an AMAZING place right here in Columbus? We absolutely love visiting the zoo and are fortunate to be able to visit frequently throughout the year. I knew this summer, we would be pretty busy and not get their as often as usual, so I created the ultimate Zoo day. I had never really had a plan when we went to the Zoo. We just sort of went and walked around. I decided to take a look at the website and was BLOWN AWAY. Our Zoo offers SO MUCH more than I even thought possible!

Wild Encounters

Did you know you are able to take a guided tour behind the scenes for a closer look at a few different spots (listed below) throughout the Zoo? I had NO idea. We were thrilled to find out about this opportunity. You can chose between Discovery Reef, Manatee Coast, Giraffe Barn and the Animal Health Center The ideal age range for these tours is 5 years and older.

After much deliberation, we chose Discovery Reef. With upcoming vacations near the beach, we thought it would be interesting to learn about our own little ocean we have right here in Columbus. We were amazed to hear about and see all of the hard work that goes into running it.

*We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside*


Have you noticed this sign? I hadn’t and I have walked by it one hundred times. This is the spot where we met up with out tour guide. She explained to us what we would be doing and gave us a few simple rules. She then took us inside. It was AMAZING to see what was hiding right behind the tide pool touch area. We learned about the food that they feed the animals. The process they go through getting it ready for the animals. We saw where the tide pool animals live. We saw projects they were working on. We learned where the fish come from and how they got here. All of this was amazing. The icing on top of the cake? Climbing up and getting a top view of the 90,000 gallon tank! It was an incredible view. Around the rail were pictures of each fish that lives in the tank, along with a few facts. Our tour guide was amazing. She answered every question the kiddos had and was very patient. They absolutely loved it. Once we were down, we thought we were done with tour. Nope! She took us out to the tide pool touch area, explained a few things and then moved on to the small tanks out front.


Not only was this an educational experience for the kids, it was for me as well.

Shore’s Play Park

Wow! They got this play park up quick. It is a great addition to the Shores & Aquarium region of the Zoo. The kiddos loved how interactive the play area was. For hot days, I love that they have a little fountain area. It wasn’t shaded, but, they have a sign up mentioning that there will be shade soon!










Animals on Safari

For as many times as we have been to the Zoo, we have never seen Animals on Safari. I am so disappointed! It was an amazing show, including over 100 different animals. I still have no idea how they trained all of the animals. The show’s animal stars are mostly dogs and cats, but there are some exotic animals as well. One of the best parts is the fact that all of the animals are rescues and many of the dog and cat stars came from shelters and rescue groups right here in Central Ohio!



After the show is over, they bring out a few different animals for you to pet!



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May 1 – 27 (Weekends Only) shows at: 12 pm and 2 pm
May 28 – Sept. 5 (Daily) shows at: 12 pm, 2 pm and 4 pm (plus 6 pm on weekends)
Sept. 6 – Oct. 31 (Weekends Only) shows at: 12 pm, 2 pm and 4 pm


If you are going to be spending an entire day at the Zoo and want to add in a few extras, this is a must. Once you add up everything that is included, it is an amazing deal. We knew we wanted to do a few rides at Jungle Jack’s landing because L is finally tall enough. That alone made this worth it. The wristband (including the camel ride) was $14.99. It includes ALL Zoo rides, Jungle Jack’s Landing, Stingray Bay, and the brand new 4-D theater.

Jungle Jack’s Landing

Located just beyond the Zoo’s entrance to the left, Jungle Jacks Landing is a seasonal Zoo region open from Spring to Fall. Inside Jungle Jacks Landing you’ll find 13 family fun rides, Stingray Bay, Animal Encounters Village and Colo’s Cove Picnic Grove.

Animal’s Encounter Village

This allows you to get an up close visit with some of the animals that call the Zoo home. I feel like we always see different animals when we are over there. This week, it was a bearded dragon. One of my good friends has four! The kids have been lucky enough to get to learn so much from her and interact with them, so they pumped to see one at the Zoo. They went right up and started spitting out facts. I was so proud!

May 1 – 22 (Weekend Only) shows at: 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm
May 28 – Aug. 21 (Daily) shows at: 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm
Aug. 22 – Oct. 31 (Weekends Only) shows at: 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm

Stingray Bay

The Stingray Bay experience will encourage visitors to interact with the Zoo’s brand new school of stingrays by watching these beautiful animals “fly” through the water and dipping their hands in the water to come in contact with them. General Admission $3 | Columbus Zoo Members $2 | Free with zoo-it-all wristband!

May 1 – 22 (Weekends Only)
May 23 – Aug. 18 (Daily)
Aug. 19 – Oct. 25 (Weekends Only)


Golden Frog Hopper was their favorite ride! “THIS IS THE BEST RIDE EVER! I LOVE IT! LETS RIDE IT AGAIN!” – Accompanied by smiles the entire time, this is what I heard!

My Barn

Sheep, goats, cows and chickens call Bob Evans Farms My Barn home. Located just outside of My House at Habitat Hollow, my Barn allows you  to interact with and learn about sheep, goats, cows and chickens.



Mar. 19 – Apr. 30 (Weekends Only)
May 1 – Sept. 5 (Daily)
Sept. 6 – Oct. 31 (Weekends Only)
Nov. 22 – Jan. 1 (Daily during Wildlights)

Ride the Camels

This was included in with our zoo-it-all wristbands! Located in Africa.


Feed the Lorikeets

This was an experience! You are able to get up close and personal with these beautiful birds.To get even closer to the action, we purchased nectar to feed the birds. It took a minute for the lorikeets to come over, but, when they did it got interesting! G had a great time. Me on the other hand, well, I got pooped on three or four times!



Cooling Off Station

Located right outside of the Lions, there is a cooling off station that shoots mist out. It was a pretty hot day, so we were pumped to come across this! It’s something to keep in the back of your mind when you are visiting throughout the hot summer days


We were there seven hours and didn’t even hit up all of the amazing spots throughout the Zoo. A few things we didn’t get a chance to do, but, are WORTH doing are:

Keeper Talks – Get the inside scoop about the animals’ care, their favorite treats, and how you can help protect their cousins in the wild.

Feed the Giraffes: Head over to Heart of Africa and for $3 you  can purchase food to feed the giraffes at various times throughout the day!

Watch the FASTEST land mammal reach top speeds in the Heart of Africa at the Cheetah Run.

At 1:00 p – you can learn about the tropical fish and coral reefs in Discovery Reef from someone who’s swimming among them! The kiddos love to watch the diver feed the fish!

Looking for a fun event for your 18month – 3 year old? Check out Zoo Tots! During each class you and your kiddos will participate in songs, stories & movement designed to make the animal world come to life! During the summer, they take place on the weekends. Starting in September, they will be offered throughout the week.

One of my FAVORITE things to do at the Zoo is participate in the Little Explorers Base Camp. This is a FREE opportunity for preschoolers and toddlers to play, learn or make a new friend! The stations change theme and locations each week. They take place on select Tuesdays and Thursdays anytime between 10:00am-12:00pm, staring back up on September 13th.

I mentioned a lot, but, there is still MORE to do!!! I suggest checking out the Zoo’s website prior to going. I am sure you will find something new! Before our next trip, I am going to read over the Animal Guide and create a fun scavenger hunt for the kiddos!

Let me know – what is your favorite part about the Columbus Zoo?

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