I may not have very many ongoing traditions, but, visiting Lynd’s farm each September is one of them. For the last five years, I have taken my nanny kiddos, but, this year – I took my little sister and niece. Spoiler alert – they had the BEST time.
Lynd’s has a long history, one I didn’t know! There story starts all the way back in 1880. Currently, they’re in the 8th generation of Lynd apple growers.
"The Pick Your Own Apples program started in the middle 60’s. During the first few years, customers parked in the packing house area and were hauled out to (and back from) the orchards on wagons on loan from The Ohio State Fair, but after several years the crowds became too large for this to work smoothly. The decision was made to allow the customers to drive directly into the orchards and park near the trees, a decision that proved very popular with the general public! Wagon rides came back as an optional fun activity in 1996. Restored antique John Deere tractors were acquired to pull our custom made people wagons." - Lynd Fruit Farm Website
I also read that they are located in three different townships, which consists of about 500 acres – resulting in approximately 60,000 apple trees! On top of that, they have 20 acres of peaches and 16 acres of berries. To learn more on the history and what goes into keeping an apple orchard going, click here.
When you look at where they are located, it may seem far to you. I used to live in New Albany and that is the reason I first found out about Lynd’s. Rest assure, they aren’t that far away. You get right on 161 and go out a few miles or you can even take Morse Rd. all the way out. They’re located at 9393 Morse Rd SW which is technically Pataskala. The drive out is BEAUTIFUL.

It is located at a four way intersection. You can’t miss it, especially with this big sign!

Behind the big sign, you’ll see the market. This is the place all your dreams come true. You will also see a big parking lot. You can park there first to start your day. When you pick apples, you will more thank likely get back in your car and drive down the street.
Before you walk in, you will notice a few must stop at things, such as checkers and sampling of pickles.

Game of checkers, anyone? I love checkers. I grew always playing with my Grandpa – never winning, of course. He is so good. PS – I want those rocking chairs! They’re the best.

I am always amazed by wood carvings. Watching them do it is always so mesmerizing. If you’re into Johnny Appleseed – make sure you check out the playground outside of the Worthington Mall (The Shoppes at Worthington). Educational + fun!

I love indian corn. Always looks so cute on the front door. You can find all your fall decoration items here!

They also have pumpkins! I am a big fan of the white ones. Last year, I tried to get “pinteresty” with them and epically failed. This year, I am leaving them plain!

Free samples – my most favorite sign. Anyone else an avid costco sampler? No? Just me? If you haven’t tried ‘The crazy cucumber’ – go here first! They have an incredible variety and are always so delicious. Plus, they’re Home-grown and Home-made. All Ohio. Did I mention you get free samples. 😉 Watch out because you will want them ALL!
Once you take your picture in the big chair and explore everything outside of the market, you have to go inside. Be prepared to be BLOWN away. They have EVERYTHING you can imagine from homemade applesauce to homegrown produce to fall decorative. Just like the pickles, you have to be careful. You will want one of everything. Keep in mind, they’re open Sunday – Saturday, 9-7 daily, mid July through mid November.

I think we all have the same feeling as Baby O has about the market!

I had a fry pie for the first time last year and can never eat an apply pie any other way. Lynd’s teamed up with several Amish families in nearby counties to bring us these Swiss Maid Fry Pies. Thankful they did. If you aren’t sure what a fry pie is, Wikipedia is always there to help, “Fried pies are dessert pastries that are similar to a pie or turnover, except that they are smaller and fried. The fruit filling is wrapped in the dough, similar to the dough of a pie crust.” Are you drooling? Because I am.

Seedless blackberry jam and apple butter are my two must haves.

Pineapple papya sugar scrub? Why didn’t I buy this!?
After you explore the market, make sure you get outside to measure your kiddo at the “How Tall This Fall” sign. Its a tradition and a fun way to see how much your kiddo has grown over the years.

No idea how I got her to stand up straight in front of this!
Okay, it’s almost time to pick your apples, but, you have to stop at the snack shack, of course! Once you walk back outside, you won’t be able to walk away. The smells draw you right in.

Fresh pumpkin donut? Yes, please.

pro-tip? anytime you have the opportunity to get a funnel cake, get one!

Baby o was eating the snacks by the handful. I am not going to admit if I was doing the same.

Baby is basic. Check out how happy she is over a pumpkin flavored donut.
After you have explored the market and everything surrounding it, it is finally time to pick apples. You do have to get in your car to get to most of the u-pick spots. If you ask any of the employee, they will point you in the right direction. They usually have 2-3 varieties of apples available each weekend. I and to lean towards the crunchy, not as sweet apples. Nothing worse than a mushy apple. Gross.

You can also check their website and Facebook for updates. I always like to double check before going.

Look for this sign to know you’re in the right place. They’re hard to miss!

Why is this picture blurry!! It is seriously the CUTEST ever! Her little pose. Are you kidding me.

How gorgeous are these apples? It’s hard not to eat them all while you’re picking them! Don’t worry – you’re allowed to try them out and see if you like them.

The apply trees (to me) look like apple bushes. They are low to the ground, which makes it easy for the little ones to participate fully in the picking.

How cute is she. So proud that she found the perfect apple!

“All hail the perfect apple.”

Little sis was pretty excited when we got there. She was unsure of the idea of picking apples but when she saw acres and acres of apples, she lit up!

It’s not hard to fill up your bag. We get the small bag, which is the perfect amount. Prices for HONEYCRISP are $25/small bag or $35/large bag. ALL OTHER APPLE VARIETIES—$15/ small bag and $25/ large bag. You may think that is expensive for a small bag, but, I am telling you – it holds a TON of apples. We had more than enough .
After you’ve picked your apples, you head to the exit. This is where you will pay. They do take cards, don’t worry! After you’ve paid, make sure you head over to the kids area. You’ll find a wonderful Maze for the big kids (and adults), Barrel Train, Fun Zone (playground), Mini Maze, Bouncing and even a Wagon Ride!

They made some updates to the kid zone this year. The is one of them. Although it is pretty to look at, it was sort of hard to climb on. The grips for their fit were pretty small.

Didn’t stop them from trying.

The spider web is always a favorite.

Teaching Baby 0 all about connect 4. Its a classic.

Also new this year – the music station. She was a big fan.
On the other side of the kid zone, you will find an area for the kids to use shovels and buckets, a swing set, a mini house to climb in with a slide and a few other fun things. I think Baby O would have stayed in there all afternoon if I would have let her.

The barrel ride! Unfortunately, Baby 0 was just a little too small for this. If you do ride, the cost is $3. The Conductor will give rides until 6 p.m. Passengers need to be 80 pounds or less. My nanny kiddos always loved riding!
Since we had the babe with us, we didn’t do the corn maze. It is 8 acres and takes little bit of time. I have done it previous years and it is a ton of fun. If you have older kiddos (or even just adults), I would suggest doing it.
If you can’t tell, I am a big fan of Lynd’s. They offer the perfect morning, afternoon or evening with your family. From kiddos to adults, there is something for everyone. Make sure you check their website for upcoming events.
Lynd Fruit Farm
9393 Morse Rd SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
740.927.8559 – (Market Phone)
740.404.9967 – MAZE
740.927.1333 – (Recording for weekend updates in the late summer and fall)
740.927.7013 – (School Tours)
740.964.0974 – FAX
Website | Facebook
A few throwback shots for ya…..

A bit blurry, but, this was our very first visit to Lynd’s. The kiddos are now (almost) 6 and 8! Oh, the memories!

Oh, my heart. Little buddies!
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